LIGHTENING 1 - 9 in any suit Pung of Dragons Pair of Winds
LIL 1 - 2 - 3 in the first suit 4 - 5 - 6 in the second suit 7 - 8 - 9 in the third suit NEWS Any Wind to pair Concealed hand
LILY OF THE VALLEY Pung or Kong of White Dragons Pung or Kong of Green Dragons Two pungs or kongs of any Green Bamboo - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 Pair of Green Bamboos Discards allowed
LINDENBURGH 1927 in two suits Pung of East Winds Pung of West Winds Discards allowed
LITTLE BROTHER Two pungs in assorted suits One chow in assorted suits One pung of any Wind Pair of any Dragons - or - One pung of any Dragons Pair of any Wind Discards allowed
LITTLE CHOWS 1 - 2 - 3 of each suit 1 - 2 - 3 mixed Pair of 4's All tiles from the wall, except the last
LITTLE EVENS One pung of 2 - 4 - 6 and 8 in assorted suits Pair of either 2 or 8 Discards allowed
LITTLE GATES 1 - 9 in the first suit 1 and 9 in the second suit 1 and 9 in the third suit A tile to pair in the sequence 2 - 8 in the first suit Discards allowed
LITTLE ODDS Pung of 1, 5, 7 and 9 in assorted suits Pair of either 1 or 9 Discards allowed
LITTLE ROBERT Four chows in one suit Pair of any suit All tiles from the wall, UNLESS pairing own Wind
LITTLE ROBERT'S BROTHER Three chows in one suit One pung in one suit Pair in one suit All tiles from the wall, except the last
LITTLE STEP-BROTHER - LITTLE BROTHER Four pungs in assorted suits Pair of own Wind Concealed hand
LITTLE WILLIE - BASKET - CHEE OR CHOW No Winds or Dragons One chow in each suit One mixed up chow One pair Concealed hand
LUCKY SEVENS One pung of 7's in each suit Pair of each Dragon Pair of East Winds Discards allowed
LUCY GATES One suit only and corresponding Dragons Pung of 1's and 9's Pair of 2's - 4's - 6's - 8's Pung of corresponding Dragons Discards allowed