GATES OF HEAVEN - HEAVENLY GATES - WINDING STAIRCASE Pung of 1's Sequence of 2-8, with one tile pairs and all in the same suit Discards allowed
GERTIES' GARTER - SEVENTH HEAVEN Pairs of 1 - 7 in two suits only (knitting) No other tiles permitted All tiles from the wall, except the last
GOLD RUSH 1849 in three suits Pair of West Winds Concealed hand
GOLDEN STAIRS - CRAWLY SNAKE - HONOUR LINE UP - BROTHERS 1 - 9 in any suit Pung of Red or Green Dragons Pair of Winds - or - Pair or Green Dragons Pung of Winds Concealed hands
GONE WITH THE WIND Pungs of all four Winds - 3 x NEWS Pair of any Dragons Discards allowed
GRAND SEQUENCE Sequence of 1 - 9 Two tiles paired within the numbers 2 - 8 Pung of own or prevailing Dragons Concealed hand
GREEN FERN Sequence of 1 - 7 in one suit Any tile to pair Pung of Green Dragons Pung of own Wind Discards allowed
GREEN HORNET Three pungs of odd circles - 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 Pair of odd circles Pung of Green Dragons Discards allowed
GRETA'S GARDEN - SEVEN WONDERS One to seven in any suit One of each Dragon NEWS All tiles from the wall, except the last