ELVIS PRESLEY Pung/K East Wind Pung White Dragons 1, 9, 3, 5 in 1st Suit 1, 9, 7, 7 in 2nd Suit All tiles from the Wall except the last Only to be played on 08 January and 16 August
FENG SHUI Pung/K in each Suit One of each Dragon Pair of Winds All tiles from the Wall except the last
GREAT SOUTHERN LAND 1, 7, 8, 8 (Discovery Date) and 1, 9, 9, 3 (Reconciliation Date) in any Suits. No two tiles of the same suit touching Pung/K South Winds Pung/K Red Dragons Pungs exposed. Other tiles from the Wall except the last
JACKIE'S CONFUSION Run 1-9 Even numbers in 1st Suit (2, 4, 6, 8) Odd numbers in 2nd Suit (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) 1 x Mixed Chow 1 x Mixed Pair No Winds or Dragons All tiles from the Wall excpet the last
JAMES JOY Punk/K in each Suit 1 x Chow in one Suit Pair in any Suit All tiles from the Wall except the last
JIM'S CONTINUUM 1 x Pung using any number in any Suit, eg: 3 Bamboo 1 x Chow using the number from the 1st Pung in any suit, eg: 3,4,5 Circles 1 x Pung using a number from the 1st Chow in any suit, eg: 5 Characters 1 x Chow using the number from the 2nd Pung in any Suit,eg: 4, 5, 6 Circles 1 x Pair using a number from the 2nd Chow, eg: 6 Bamboo All tiles from the Wall, except the last
KONG POW 1 x Concealed Kong in each Suit 1 x Concealed Kong of Dragons 1 x Pair of Winds or Vice Versa All tiles from the Wall except the last
LITTLE STEPS 1,1,2 in 1st Suit 1,1,2,2,3 in 2nd Suit 1,1,2,2,3,3 in 3rd Suit
LOUISE'S SQUEEZE 1 x Kong in 1st Suit 1 x Pair in 2nd Suit 1 x Pair in 3rd Suit Numbers must be consecutive, eg: 123, 345, 678 All tiles from the Wall except the last
MIXED PUNGS Punk/K and Pair (same number and suit) for each set (may include Winds and Dragons) All tiles from the Wall except the last
MURRUMBATEMAN - JW Pung/K of 2 Characters Pung/K of 7 Bamboo Pung/K of 9 Circles One of each Dragon Pair of North Winds Pungs exposed. Other tiles from the Wall except the last
NUMBERS RACKET Pung/K of the same number in each Suit Pung and Pair of Winds - or - Pung and Pair of Dragons No terminals - 1s or 9s All tiles from the Wall except the last