IDIOTS - MIXED UP PUNGS Four pungs in any of the three suits Pair in any of the three suits - (This is when three suits may be mixed together) Concealed hand
IMPERIAL JADE - JADE HAND Pungs or Kings (a Chow if desired) A pair of Green Bamboos - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8 Pung or kong of Green Dragons Discards allowed
IMPERIAL RUBY - ROYAL RUBY - RUBY HAND Pungs or kongs and a pair of Red Bamboos Pung or kong of Red Dragons Discards allowed
IMPERIAL RUBY - RUBY JADE HAND - ROYAL RUBY JADE Pung of Green Bamboos Pung of Red Bamboos Pung of Red Dragons Pung of Green Dragons Pair of any Bamboo Discards allowed
INDEPENDENCE 1776 in three suits Pair of 4's Concealed hand
JOLLY ROGER Four chows in one suit only Pair of White Dragons - or - One Red Dragon One Green Dragon Concealed hands
KING KONG 1 - 9 in one suit Kong of Winds or Dragons (concealed) One tile to pair in the 1 - 9 sequence Discards allowed
KONG PUNG 1 - 9 in one suit Kong within the sequence 2 - 8 (concealed Pung within the sequence 2 - 8 Discards allowed
KNITTING Seven pairs in two suits - No Winds or Dragons All tiles from the wall, except the last